Saturday, October 11, 2008

1000K in a day success!

We did it. In fact we completed 1099 kilometres in just under 6 hours. Two members of our group had never cycled more than 10 miles before and during this relay they completed more than 35 miles (50k) each. This goes to show that we can exceed our limitations when we have a worthy goal and a strong intent. Currently we have raised just under £500, so thanks to the many people and businesses than sponsored us.

Our success was in part due to having 70 participants, more than we ever hoped for in our wildest dreams. Many members of the public joined us in our effort, keen to assist us in our goal, during a beautiful day weatherwise. Many other members of the public made enquiries and were very interested in our endeavours. About 15 of these people have requested to become involved or kept in touch with what we're doing, which is a most interesting development, as we would like this to become a community event which links the recovery community with the wider community. We were quite moved by the general publics' goodwill towards us, including the young tearaways who gave us an hour of their time - nice one lads!

However, we had a clear vision all along that if people could understand addiction in seeing us aspiring then they would respond positively, and the message that treatment for addiction is a valuable thing becomes accepted. Also despite many setbacks we kept going with the organising and the training which shows that group effort and sustained work will reap rewards. There are parallels here with the recovery process and life in general. That is why endurance is such a symbolically important strength for us to aquire, because unlike speed and strength it takes us further in the end.

Most of the local papers covered it. (see links). Thanks again to all involveded.


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